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Court hearings during totality


    We have decided, after a very succesful conference of our collegues in Wroclaw, Poland, that we would like to host a lecture and a workshop focused on constructed court hearings of totalitary Czechoslovakia. Morning of the lecture was filled out by narration by MTh. Václav Umlauf Ph.D., witness of the events.


     Aproximately fifty participants arrived before the game was started by dividing them into small teams that were to solve several prepared tasks aroud the town center. The game lead them through the city under the clouds of the secret state police and anonyms, that were supposed to give them information and lead them out of the totalitarian Czechoslovakia. However, the last task lead them back to the university library where they were arrested by secret patrol of the state police. Participants then got to know the full story about constructed court hearings by being the vicims of one. 


    After some consideration, we have decided to make a similar project again - this time only to emphasize the reality of trying to past the borders out of then Czechosloakia. The date is set to 25th April 2014.

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